

Oberheim Matrix 1000, Sequential Prophet 2000/2002, Solton TS4K, K160, Keytek (Siel) CTS-2000, Roland Jupiter 8 (early version), Moog The Source

Am6070 Companding DAC

Sequential Drumtraks, Linn LM-1, Linndrum, Oberheim DMX, DX, Stretch DX, DXa

Am6072 Companding DAC

E-mu Drumulator, Oberheim Prommer
Cirrus Logic

Cirrus Logic/Crystal 4391KZ DAC

Novation Supernova II keyboard and rack.

D63200, uPD63200 - DAC from NEC

Roland JP-8000, JP8080

DAC71-CSB-I D/A converter

used in Sequential Prophet 5, 10, 600, T8

PCM1716E - DAC

Oberheim OB12, Korg BX-3, CX-3 year 2000 version


Korg M1, Roland R8, Yamaha DX7 II D/FD, TX-802, Alesis Andromeda A6


A typical problem in early Korg 01/Ws, the sound would become noisy specially when using effects.
Korg 01/W series and family (03RW), Kawai K5, K5m

PCM61P - Serial input 18 bit DAC

Roland JD-800

TDA1305T - DAC

used in Korg Z1

DAC0800 - 8 bit digital to analog converter

Solton Programmer 24, 24S, Arranger Plus, TS3K, TS4K, Project 100, Crumar Bit 99

DAC0808 - 8 bit digital to analog converter

Elka EK22, OMB-5

DAC0831 - 8 bit digital to analog converter

Siel DK70, DK700

DAC0832 - 8 bit digital to analog converter

Used in: Siel DK-80, EX80


Sequential Sixtrak, Multitrak, Pro-8

Intersil ITS80141 - Panasonic MD6205 DAC

The infamous and impossible to find ITS80141 DAC from Intersil was replaced by a board with a Panasonic MD6205 in Roland MKS-80. The Panasonic hybrid DAC MD6205 is also not easy to find but I managed to get a few and replicated the board...

Roland Jupiter 8 had initially a AM6012DC 12 bit DAC but was later upgraded to 14 bits with ITS80141. Jupiter 6 also uses ITS80141. This board is a direct replacement of ITS80141 as long you provide the additional +15V and -15V available in MKS-80, Jupiter 6 and Jupiter 8.


Used in Elka Drumstar 80