I've repaired many Mackie power supplies from mixers (Onyx Universal Supply) for a local radio station. They will eventually fail. Experience demonstrated that beside repairing the fault, you can prevent future interventions by replacing some capacitors. This KIT contains all you will ever need to put it back to work for a long time in 90% of the possible failures (blinking power, buzzing, no power at all, voltages missing, etc.)
You will get:
2 Fuses T2.5A (just in case)
1 Rectifier bridge 8A 600V
13 470µF 25V Sanyo capacitors (105º)
1 3300µF 10V capacitor (105º)
2 47µF 25V capacitor (105º)
1 TOP249Y switched power supply IC (U1)
1 LM317 regulator IC (U2)
1 diode UF5407 3A 800V (D13)
1 diode SR860
1 optical coupler MOC8102 (U3)
2 zener diodes P6KE100A 100V 5W (D12, D18)
2 SMD diodes 1N4148W
2 SMD diodes S1G
1 resistor 36KΩ 3W (R37)
1 fuse resistor 10Ω 1/4W (R42)
1 NTC thermistor 10Ω 6A (R36)
-Flow chart with clear instructions to diagnose the faults and advices on how to replace some components. This is based in a long experience on Mackie devices (the schematic and flow chart/instructions will be sent in PDF format to your paypal email).
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